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Book Launch

Book Launch
Thursday, 21 December 2017, 14:30 PM - 16:00 PM
FCMS 109

The Discursive-Materials Knot

The theoretical framework of the discursive‐material knot consists out of a non‐hierarchical ontology of the interactions of the discursive and the material, articulating the assemblages that are driven by this ontological setting as restless and contingent, sometimes incessantly changing shapes and sometimes being deeply sedimented. This book acknowledges the importance of discourse studies, in having produced a better understanding of the socio‐political role of frameworks of intelligibility, and of materialism theory in highlighting the importance of the agentic role of materials.


The Mediterranean island of Cyprus is the site of enduring political, military, and economic conflict. This interdisciplinary collection takes Cyprus as a geographical, cultural and political point of reference for understanding how conflict is mediated, represented, reconstructed, experienced, and transformed. Through methodologically diverse case studies of a wide range of topics—including public art, urban spaces, and print, broadcast and digital media—it assembles an impressively multifaceted perspective, one that provides broad insights into the complex interplay of culture, conflict, and identity

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